
Tuan Haji Muhamad Amin Fahmi is a self-made entrepreneur, market explorer with the aim to encourage more Malaysian companies to explore overseas market with a structured export programme. He started his market exploration since 2010 with Indonesia as his first country to explore. He then explored Singapore in 2011 and pursued the exploration to Middle East region by flying over to Qatar in 2012. He managed to establish robust business network within ASEAN country and Middle East country.

Through his vast experience, in 2015 he has been appointed as Deputy Secretary General of Dewan Perdagangan Islam Malaysia (DPIM) by Allahyarham Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim, President of DPIM, former CEO/President of Johor Corporation Berhad. He looked into governance of DPIM and at the same time he has been given a mandate to develop a programme for exporters with Turkiye and Europe as an export destination. He then lead as a Chef De Mission the first Trade Mission to Istanbul in 2016 accompanied by ten (10) Malaysian companies as a Trade Delegations. Among the success story was one (1) of his Trade Delegation enter into Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Turkish company in the renewable energy industry. The MOU signing has been signed in 2017 and witnessed by YB Dato Sri Mustapha Mohamad, former Minister of Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI).

His passion in international trade, investment mission and Halal commerce is undeniably. He believes that the cake of global economy must be enjoyed by Malaysian companies as well. Hence, with proper programmes and with the guidance of the reliable chamber of commerce, Malaysian companies could success in the international business. There is obviously huge demand for Malaysian products from the Middle East region, Europe region and Africa region to be explored.

His reputable and commitment towards promoting Malaysia as a preferred investment destination is unquestionably. He has been invited as Trade Delegation in Trade Investment Mission (TIM) organized by MITI for the past several years. He participated in YB Minister TIM to Japan (Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo) (2019), and YB Minister TIM to Europe (The Hague, Netherlands and Stuttgart, Germany) (2019). From the mission, he noticed that there are needs for dedicated business platform in order to facilitate foreign companies that had interest to invest in Malaysia. This avenue is crucial as foreign companies really need to find the right partner prior making their investment decision.

Therefore, from the needs of Malaysian companies to explore global market and foreign companies to choose Malaysia as an investment destination, he initiated the establishment of Malaysian International Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MIICI).

Below is the brief profile of Tuan Haji Muhamad Amin Fahmi:

Beliau merupakan Pengerusi, Malaysian International Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MIICCI) sesi 2022-2025. Beliau merupakan seorang Market Explorer yang konsisten meneroka pasaran antarabangsa. Antara negara yang beliau telah teroka adalah Singapura, Thailand, Indonesia, Jepun, Qatar, India, Turkiye, Belanda dan Uzbekistan.

Jalinan hubungan strategik di antara beliau dengan organisasi perdagangan di negara Turkiye telah terbina sejak 2016 dan masih utuh hingga kini. Antara organisasi besar yang beliau telah berjaya bina adalah Halal Certification Body (GIMDES), Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), Turkish Muslim Industrialists Business Association (MUSIAD), Hay Sanayi Is Adamlari Dernegi (HAYSIAD), Sakarya Chamber of Commerce (SATSO), Kocaeli Chamber of Commerce, Gebze Chamber of Commerce (GEBZETO), MATRADE Istanbul, Sabiha Gokcen Airport Istanbul, dan Turkish SME Agency (KOSGEB).

Beliau telah mengetuai beberapa siri Misi Dagang ke Turkiye bersama Dewan Perdagangan Islam Malaysia di mana beliau ketika itu menyandang jawatan sebagai Setiuasaha Agung.

Beliau juga dijemput sebagai International Speaker di dalam program India International Halal Expo 2020 yang berlangsung di Hyderabad, India. Speaker jemputan di dalam program yang sama adalah terdiri daripada Halal Development Corporation (HDC), Univerisiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) dan MATRADE India.

Beliau juga dijemput sebagai International Honorary Guest di dalam program World Halal Council (WHC) yang berlangsung di Jakarta, Indonesia pada 2019 di mana program antarabangsa ini menghimpunkan semua badan penarafan Halal dari seluruh pelosok dunia.

Beliau juga merupakan Delegasi Malaysia yang sering dijemput dalam siri Misi Dagang & Pelaburan Bersama Menteri anjuran Kementerian Perdagangan dan Industri (MITI). Beliau terlibat secara langsung semasa Misi Dagang & Pelaburan Bersama Menteri ke Jepun (Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya)(2019), Eropah (Belanda dan Jerman)(2019) dan Turkiye (2017).

Terkini, dalam siri Misi Dagang ke Turkiye pada bulan Mac 2023 anjuran MIICCI di mana beliau merupakan Ketua Delegasi misi ini dengan kerjasama SMECORP Malaysia telah berjaya merekodkan nilai dagangan berjumlah RM1 bilion dengan termeterainya beberapa Perjanjian Persefahaman di antara syarikat Malaysia dan syarikat Turkiye.

Beliau komited untuk terus memacu MIICCI dan meneroka pasaran antarabangsa yang pada hemat beliau masih ada pasaran di luar negara yang belum diteroka sebaiknya oleh Pedagang Malaysia. Beliau akan teruskan misi penerokaan pasaran perdagangan antarabangsa bagi membuka peluang dagang buat usahawan Malaysia dan demi memartabatkan nama Malaysia di persada dunia khususnya dalam Industri Halal.